
Full Stack Developer

May 2021 - Present

leadchat platform

Leadchat offered an exceptional growth opportunity for me as a developer, being the sole programmer on the platform, tasked with constructing various new tools and spearheading the transition of the codebase to more contemporary technologies and languages.

I held responsibility for the frontend, backend, design, and infrastructure across all products, and successfully converted many business concepts into tools utilized by both clients and employees.

Below are some of the projects and tools I had the opportunity to work on.

Performance Analysis App

One of my initial assignments involved creating a tool to assist the business in assessing the performance of the support team and the quality of the support delivered to clients.

I collaborated closely with other departments to establish a set of performance metrics aimed at fostering healthy competition within the support team and helping the business pinpoint areas for improvement.

Leveraging these metrics, I was able to design an application where each team member could be evaluated by their manager, with the results being showcased in a leaderboard.

I held responsibility for the design, data modeling, frontend and backend, infrastructure, continuous integration/continuous delivery (CI/CD), and hosting.

UI Library

I had the delightful opportunity to design and construct my inaugural component library at Leadchat, with the objective of standardizing the platform's design language.

I utilized Storybook to create dynamic documentation of the components and styled-components to fashion a theme that could be updated with ease.

leadchat ui library
leadchat ui library

View the Design System

and the UI Library


In addition to the projects mentioned above, I was involved in numerous smaller initiatives, projects, and features, some of which are outlined below:

  • Developed an email system that is compatible across all browsers and clients
  • Constructed several automated reporting and analysis tools
  • Assumed responsibility for refining a recently developed platform that had numerous rough edges