
I am currently lending my expertise to Corellium, embarking on a mission to rejuvenate the platform's aesthetics following a successful Series A funding round. I find immense pleasure in working on numerous fresh, 'greenfield' projects and contributing to the optimization and expansion of our existing platform.

Prior to Corellium, I was part of the Pay.com.au team, where we harnessed cutting-edge technologies like blockchain to build a business-oriented payment platform.

The universe of JavaScript and TypeScript has been my professional playground for years, with a recent pivot towards a deeper focus on frontend technologies. Having crafted several UI libraries, I've developed a deep understanding of the delicate equilibrium between technical proficiency and aesthetic appeal.

My approach towards projects is holistic; I take pleasure in immersing myself in every aspect of the development journey, from envisioning the product and architecting the platform, down to refining code and crafting elegant design patterns.

Operating under the motto of 'Methodical Artistry', my goal is to meticulously fine-tune my creations to be accessible and user-friendly, functional yet fluid, embodying a simplicity that exudes elegance.


General Assembly

Certificate in Software Engineering


University of Syndey

Master in Screen Arts

2015 - 2016

Australian Film, Television and Radio School

Graduate Diploma in Editing


Sydney Film School

Diploma in Screen and Media

2012 - 2013

After Hours

When I step away from the digital realm of work, my attention shifts entirely towards nourishing my holistic well-being.

For physical health, I do weight training to achieve strength and endurance. I also practice Bikram Yoga, an intense, heated style of yoga that aids in flexibility, balance, and the deep cleansing of body and mind.

For mental tranquility, I delve into meditation. This discipline helps me cultivate mindfulness and equanimity, enabling me to approach life's fluctuations with a calm and steady mind.

I devote a substantial portion of my time to studying, learning, and exercising my cognitive faculties. I love the thrill of conquering a coding challenge, acquiring knowledge on emerging technologies, or diving into insightful articles that pique my curiosity.

Beyond the intricacies of coding and the pursuit of wellness, I immerse myself in the throbbing sphere of Techno music. Not just an ardent enthusiast, I am also an occasional performer, always ready to seize the chance to command the decks at events when the opportunity presents itself.

In the vast expanse between coding and Techno, I've discovered an intriguing symmetry. In this sense, my Techno endeavours feel less like a departure from my coding practice and more like its natural continuation, in an auditory form. This parallel allows me to transition seamlessly between the two, creating a harmonious blend of my professional and personal passions.